HOWIE GAMES HOTLINE – Be a part of the Howie Games!
☎️ 0434-694-301 ☎️
This is something new….If you’ve got a question – any question – you’d like answered and you want to be a part of the show, now’s your chance because the Howie Games Hotline is OPEN! You can ring & leave a message at the tone, or even better record a message and send it via text or WhatsApp. Remember to start with your name and where you’re listening from, and I’ll play your message in an upcoming ep. Looking forward to seeing how we go with this one gurus!
☎️ 0434-694-301 ☎️
#TheHowieGames | If you haven’t checked out our new content, The Player Profile, then it is time to! Steve Smith’s full ep drops next Thursday, but in this player profile, you will hear about Smithy’s love of chocolate, why his first job lasted 3 shifts, his greatest fear and much more. One of the world’s best cricketers, as you have never heard him before! ❤️