#TheHowieGames | This week’s episode features Scott McLaughlin, the hottest thing in V8 supercars. In his 7th full time season in the category, he has hordes of devoted fans who love his aggressive nature on the track and approachable nature off it. This bloke is the real deal with trophies galore to prove it.
But for all his wins, it’s actually a loss in 2017 that has truly shaped Scott’s career and the man himself. Scotty takes this podcast into areas where it’s only been once before, with Cate Campbell, in describing the desolation and embarrassment, Scott’s words, not mine, that an athlete feels when they lose something everyone expected them to win.
He then takes the show into unchartered areas with a fascinating explanation of what he did to rebuild his psyche and turn himself back into a winner. It’s raw, captivating and motivating. Get around the kid.